
25 June 2009

Online Recordings from WATER's Creative Feminist Ministers Institute

WATER is abuzz with creative feminist ministry. Over the course of two days last week, we held a series of conversations via live interviews and conference calls, connecting feminist ministers and offering training and education they need to do their work more effectively.
In efforts to make these much-needed resources more widely accessible, and to broaden the scope of our conversation, we recorded the sessions for use online. We hope you will view/listen to them, connect from afar, and continue the conversations by posting comments to this blog. We invite you to donate to WATER as you use these resources.
Click on the links below to download. If the download does not begin automatically, right-click and choose "save target as" in order to start the download, which may take some time given the size of the video.

Liberation Beyond Borders: Dalit Feminist Hermeneutics and Four Gospel Women
A conversation with Surekha Nelavala and Mary Kate Birge, Download video here.

Challenges for Feminist Ministers
A conversation with Cindy Lapp and Mari Castellanos, Download video here.

Theological Education for Feminist Ministry
A conference call with Emilie Townes, Download audio recording here.

Feminist Ministry and Sexual Violence
A conference call with Marie Fortune, Download audio recording here.

This inaugural series was a success, and the exciting part is that it is just beginning! Stay tuned for future opportunities to connect, cooperate, and learn together on issues surrounding feminist ministry.
-- Anna B. Roeschley

16 June 2009

Keep it Catholic, Catholics

Keep it Catholic, Catholics: A Response to Michael Sean Winters' Attack on Frances Kissling in America

I debated in Catholic high school and Jesuit college. We practiced by taking positions other than our own so we would understand the ins and outs of our opponents’ ways of thinking. We were taught that gratuitous slams at the other side were never acceptable, and that they certainly were no substitute for reasoned arguments. We were coached to avoid ad hominem (in those days we did not imagine ad feminam) arguments at all costs since they insulted our worthy opponents and made clear that we were out of ideas to bolster our own positions. In the rough and tumble of real world debates, it is training that has stood me in good stead.

Imagine my surprise to read on the Jesuit magazine America’s blog a recent post by Michael Sean Winters in which he violated all the rules. His attack on Frances Kissling and her recent article in Salon began with a gratuitous slam.

(Read the rest of the article by Mary E. Hunt posted on Religion Dispatches.)

09 June 2009

Post to our blog and see FSR, Inc.

WATER’s blog is a place for your thoughts on topics of common interest to feminists in religion. Please feel free to jump into the conversation whenever you wish. We welcome you!

Another place to discuss feminist issues is which is sponsored by Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc. The two groups have collaborated on several projects over the years.

Your voice is important. Raise it here.

Mary E. Hunt

05 June 2009

Feminist Theology 101

Mary Hunt and Judith Plaskow discuss feminist views of God and women in the Bible, in an interview on Interfaith Voices radio,