"The Power of a Woman's Voice:
The Legacy of Sue Hiatt"
The Legacy of Sue Hiatt"
An hour-long teleconference with
Carter Heyward
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
1 pm - 2 pm EDT
1 pm - 2 pm EDT
Carter Heyward was one of the “Philadelphia Eleven” — the women ordained to the Episcopal priesthood in 1974, before the church had authorized the ordination of women. Subsequently, she taught theology for 30 years at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA.
Dr. Heyward is author or editor of more than a dozen books and hundreds of speeches, essays, and sermons, largely in areas of feminist, liberation, and LGBTQ studies, as well as modern Protestant and Anglican theologies. Over the past 4 decades, she has spoken at churches, schools, and professional and advocacy organizations in many parts of the world.
In 2000, she founded Free Rein, a therapeutic horseback riding center, where she continues to be involved. A Carter Heyward Endowment Fund has been established at Free Rein in her honor.

Suggested Reading:
Hiatt, Suzanne R., and Carter Heyward. The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me: The Writings of Suzanne Hiatt. New York, NY: Seabury, 2014. Available in paperback and kindle edition from Amazon.
Email "Register Me Teleconference" to waterstaff@hers.com by Tuesday, June 1o, 2014 in order to receive dial-in information.
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