
16 July 2013

September 11 Teleconference with Linn Marie Tonstad

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
1 -2 PM EDT

Linn Marie Tonstad is a constructive theologian working at the intersection of systematic theology with feminist and queer theory. Her research interests focus on the relationship between the doctrine of God and anthropology, or the way in which God is thought to be similar or different from visions of human beings.

She is currently completing her first book, provisionally entitled "God and Difference: Experimental Trinitarian Theology," where she examines and critiques the visions of divine personhood advanced by a number of contemporary theologians. She pays particular attention to the implications of such visions for thinking about sex, gender, and sexuality in contemporary Christian theology.

Born of a Norwegian father and Iraqi mother, and raised in Norway, Linn received her MAR in philosophical theology from Yale Divinity School and her PhD in religious studies from Yale University. She served as a Lilly Fellow at Valparaiso University and as assistant professor of Christian theology at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University before joining the faculty at Yale Divinity School as assistant professor of systematic theology.

 She has published several articles on contemporary German-language systematic theologians. In her work, she seeks to put the often antithetical discourses of systematic theology and queer theology into conversation with each other. She blogs monthly at

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